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Celebrate Women's History Month


Celebrate Women's history month with some of the awesome women runners that inspire us every day! Hear what inspires these local women to continue to grow in their fitness and help influence a positive and fit lifestyle for those in their community!

Diane Vanderbrink 

"For a multitasking mother short on time, running provides not only fitness but stress relief, social connections (and free therapy!). We become a better mom, partner, friend, human when we make some time for ourselves.

Women often have some fear & self-doubt when we start but with each milestone (longest distance, fastest mile, etc) we begin to build our belief and confidence and ask what's next?

Some push for run streaks, PR's, Boston qualifying times, or even running the World Majors. (Picture above is after the Tokyo Marathon). It's a chance to celebrate how far we have come and role model to our children what is possible. 

I get inspiration from other local mother runners who overcome obstacles and lead the way for us all!"

Robin Smith

"I ran track in HS and then got hooked on local races when I moved to Cincinnati after college, mainly the shorter distances. After a running friend convinced me that I needed to run a marathon, I committed myself to take one on before I turned 45. At age 44, I ran my first marathon, the Flying Pig, and had a Boston qualifying time!

I met a woman right after I committed to do my first marathon, who was my age and had done several marathons herself. She happily jumped in to train with me and was the reason I got hooked on the marathon distance! Through running and training, we became the best of friends, running every morning at 5:45am and solving all of our problems together. I am inspired and recharged by all who dedicate themselves to a healthy and fit lifestyle!

20 marathons, including 10 Bostons later, I'm still running.

I love the opportunity that Fleet Feet Cincinnati has given me to work with the women at City Gospel Mission's Step Forward program! I love to encourage women to be active in whatever way they can. l've also been a Girls on the Run Coach and enjoyed helping young girls build self esteem and set and accomplish goals."

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