We are certainly more than just a running shoe store. In addition to all of the apparel, nutrition, hydration, and treatment products that we carry in-store, we also provide and connect you with valuable resources to help you and those in your life lead a healthy lifestyle.
U.S. employees spend an average of 50 hours a week at work and eat about one-third of their meals there as well. Work is a source of pride, defines our career and is responsible for many influences on lifestyle. As an owner, HR director, or wellness committee chair you can positively impact the lifestyles of your employees, creating more productive and satisfied workers... and Fleet Feet Sports Fresno can help.
What is a Workplace Fit Event?
Our professional team of fit specialists bring our in-store experience to you and your workplace for free! Our program makes it easy for your employees to get the gear they need to be comfortable and healthy during their work break or lunch hour. We work with you to identify the range of products that would be most helpful to your employees.
If you are intersted in a Workplace Fit, please contact our Outreach Director, Kathy Steele at Outreach@fleetfeetfresno.com
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