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Pub Runs: Logging Miles, Making Friends, Testing Out New Shoes

As the weather warms up and the days start to get longer, we're excited to get out and enjoy evenings on the roads and greenways of Raleigh, Cary, and Morrisville! One of the best ways to do so is in a group.

If you're prepping for a race, you may be interested in our spring training programs. We've got group programs that target April races at the 10-mile, 10k, and 4-mile distances.

But if you're just looking to get out and explore local running routes, meet other runners, and log some miles, you should DEFINITELY add some of our weekly pub runs to your calendar.  We offer runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. You can find the full list here. All groups are very welcoming. Just show up, and we'll make sure you've got someone to run with!

As a side benefit, we often invite our favorite shoe vendors to come out to runs and let runners test out new shoes and provide feedback that they can use when designing future models.


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