Comments from training program participants at Fleet Feet Round Rock:
What was your motivation for becoming active?
I was scared because I went from getting out and working in an office setting to working from home. I quit bowling and coaching bowling a few years before so most of my social interactions were at the office. I was not moving enough as it was so I got out a pedometer and found out I was moving about 1800 steps on a good day. A true couch potato. My weight was out of control, my health was deteriorating (asthma wise) and I was told that I was at the border of being diagnosed with COPD. My mood was depressed. I needed to do something if I was not going to completely disappear from life. The kids were grown, one had moved out of state. I just wasn’t happy any more. I didn’t know what I was going to do but had to try something.
I was told about a “Diva Night” that was going to be the later that week or the next. WE talked about the “Make It a Mile” program and they could even fit even me in a sports bra. Thanks to Christy for that very first conversation. You were so positive I had to show up.
Well, as they say, the rest is history….. I went to Diva Night 3/31/14. I signed up for the Make it a Mile training program and was hoping to be able to walk a mile at the end of the 4 weeks. Really, I did not believe I would but had to try. I didn’t even make it a ¼ of mile without stopping 6 or 7 times but Leda believed in me. It was a very long month but I did it on the very last day: walked the mile, no stops, and there was Leda and a couple of others from the group waiting on me and clapping for me. I also went to the gym as a guest with some friends to get some indoor walking done to help my stamina and the doctor approves of indoor work. The next month I joined their “Ton of Fun” weight loss group, and started walking on the treadmill at the gym, since I am limited on outdoor time. I have been there ever since!
Did you meet your goals?
I now walk an average of about 8000 steps a day, I go to the gym and use the treadmill about 3 times a week besides twice a week 5K training at the store. I have completed a 5K and have 2 more planned Thanks Nicole!). I have lost about 75 lbs, about 24% of my body weight in the process, and did my first 5K in late March. My goal was to be under an hour and I made it just with about a minute to spare with the entire gang from the 5K training class waiting at the finish line for the other walker and myself!
I have a new goal to lose another 50 pounds, but I have no doubts now that I will make that goal as well, with the support of my Friends at Fleet Feet. And yes, while they are my coaches and mentors, I count them as my friends as well.
Would you recommend these programs to a friend and why?
I love these programs and always let people know that they are the basis for my ability to keep going through all of this past year. I now help out as I can with new “Make it a Mile” groups and continue to be in the “Ton Of Fun” group while losing more weight. I help anyone with support and show that it can be done. There are slip-ups and back tracking along the way but if you don’t give up you to can make it.
These are the pictures of me at the first Diva Night 3/31/14. Yes, that old big woman in blue is me.
I re-created the pictures on 3/31/15. What a Difference! Even that shirt is getting loose!
Here are a couple of Pictures from the 5K finish line as well. (my shirt says “I RUN, I’m slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter…BUT I RUN) and that is one of my two mottos now. The other? “If it doesn’t challenge you …it doesn’t change you”
-Kit Haverland-
What was your motivation to start training?
I was tired of being overweight and being active but still not losing weight.
Did you meet your training goals?
Yes! With all the motivation and support I lost more weight than I ever anticipated!
Would you recommend Fleet Feet’s training programs?
It was nice being supported to lose weight and become more active and not being "judge" during the process. I only found encouragement and support. Being accountable weekly is huge! I never understood that part until going through it. It was more of a reality check to see what is working and what is not. Great program and I highly recommend for everyone whether it is for weight loss or maintaining.
-Traci Meier-
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