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Registration is Open for One NY Safe

One NY Safe Running, Walking & Cycling Challenge

The One NY series is back announcing a new virtual running, walking, and cycling challenge for 2021: One NY Safe. The challenge will offer something for everyone and starts January 1, 2021. Challenges are as short as one month and as long as all of 2021, with many options in between. Runners, walkers and cyclists can participate and there is a fitness challenge for kids too!

“With Covid-19 spreading at a record pace throughout New York and many parts of the United States, we are already seeing many 2021 running, walking and cycling events cancelled or postponed”, said Pat Leone, partner in One NY Safe. “This is a continued opportunity to stay fit, help mental health and log in miles. As a group, we want participants to stay safe and stay motivated!”

One NY Safe is partnering with over 100 New York State non-profit organizations (501C-3) to help raise awareness and funds during this crippling pandemic. In 2020, 21,997 runners, walkers and cyclists took part in the One NY Challenges and helped raise over $200,000 for New York State Charities and New York Health Care Frontline Workers, helping the fight against COVID-19.

Are you ready for the next challenge?

Registration is open now!

OneNY Safe Challenge Swag

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