Michelle Stanly
Hola! After being a personal trainer for 10 years, I opened my own fitness studio in Hendersonville, NC. I started running in 2018, shortly after opening my fitness studio. I realized that half of my clients were runners, and I wanted to keep up with them. So that spring, I started the Root Run Club! I realized how much I loved it and how much it strengthened my lungs (I have asthma). Later that year, I ran my first half marathon and have been addicted since. I am currently certified through UESCA as a running coach and working on my McMillan Running certification.
Running helps me destress, and it's meditative. I also love encouraging others to be their best selves!
I am currently the Fleet Feet Columbia Training Coordinator! I can’t wait to meet our awesome community and help runners of all different levels meet their goals!
Matt Havens
My addiction to running started in my late 20's when injuries ended my soccer career. Initially, I was looking for a way to stay active and fit but found that running by choice was a lot more enjoyable and therapeutic than running as punishment. I've been hooked ever since and am working on running a half or full marathon in all fifty states. I love the comradery you find in the running community and the ability to continually grow. This led me to start a local running club and then join Fleet Feet as a coach. I'm fortunate to be part of the team at Fleet Feet because it gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with fellow runners. There's no better reward than watching people accomplish new things and overcome their own mental barriers. When I'm not working you can usually find me logging miles, either on my feet or on my bike.
Anthony Archer
I have been with Fleet Feet since 2007. My running background consists of collegiate cross country and track. I have completed trail races, a half Ironman, Spartan Races, and numerous 5k’s. I enjoy running on trails, biking, and hiking. I work as a Physical Therapist in Lexington. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and playing music.
Jacob Neal
I work in an office and took up running several years ago when I realized I needed to do something after sitting at a desk all day. I grew up exercising but had no idea about running. I would casually say the only time I run is when it's raining outside and I need to get to my car. When I started running, I told myself I'll never run more than 5k. After running that distance many times and running with great people in the group, I found I could run a lot farther than I had imagined. As a coach I want to provide people with positive feedback, a guide for what to expect as they take on a challenge, and a real life example of what it looks like to go from not enjoying running at all to doing it because I only somewhat don't like it.
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