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Andy the Runner...and Other Running Carols

Editor's Note: In this week's post, Coach Cary offers some modified-for-runners carols for us to sing when touring the snow-covered roads of our neighborhoods.

Andy the Runner
(set to the tune of Frosty the Snowman)

Andy the Runner, was a crazy running fool
With a Garmin watch and a Saucony top
And split shorts to keep cool

Andy the Runner, is a fanatic, they say
He would run in snow, but as us runners know
That he enjoyed it that way
With lots of trails to cover
In his Yaktrax he stayed tall
Cause when he put them on his feet
He knew he would not fall

Oh, Andy the Runner, was as fast as he could be
And us runners say he could race all day
With his boundless energy

Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump
Look at Andy run
Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump
Til the miles are done

Andy the Runner, knew the race was long and fast
So he said, "Let's run, and we'll have some fun
Before the moment's passed"

Clicking through the miles, with his Garmin keeping pace
Running hill and dale, he was on their tail
Thinkin', "What an awesome race!"

He chased them down the streets of town
Right passed the half way mark
and only surged a little
as he flew around the park

Andy the Runner, had to hurry for the lead
As he pushed on through, like the wind he blew
Taking first with a burst of speed

Let's Go Run!
(set to the tune of Let It Snow)

The alarm wakes me from my slumber
Gotta grab my shoes and number
Can't believe I'm up before the sun
Let's go run! Let's go run! Let's go run!

The start line looks oh so bright
When the morning's as dark as night
We wait to hear the starting gun
Let's go run! Let's go run! Let's go run!

When the goes off, it's a sight
I'm out too fast, so much for pacing
Wow my hamstring's kinda tight
That's what it's like when you're racing!

I'm tired and slowly dying
Almost home, gotta keep trying
There's the finish line, yes I'm done
Let's go run! Let's go run! Let's go run!

The Twelve Days of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
12 months of running,
11 Bonk Breakers.
10 mile long run,
9 Little Hotties,
8 hours of sleep,
7 blinky lights,
6 tech tees,
5 pair of socks,
4 sports bras,
3 pair of tights,
2 insoles,
and a pair of shoes for this spring.

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