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Caloric Expenditure Testing

Almost everyone knows that special someone whose metabolism allows them to eat anything they want, never run a step, and yet never gain a pound. Most of us aren’t that lucky.

Certain factors such as age, gender, and genetics that help determine our metabolism cannot be changed; however, there is hope because we can change or increase our activity level and thus our lean mass. Furthermore, muscle is metabolically active and the more you have the higher your metabolism. Alternatively, extreme diets and overly excessive exercise can tear down your lean mass and lower your metabolism.

Yet, one simple fact will always remain, food is energy and you either use it or store it! Calories in vs calories out will determine your weight. Is your metabolism fast, slow, normal?

Let the FLEET FEET Training Center test your resting metabolic rate and help you calculate your daily caloric needs with our Caloric Expenditure (CE) test. This medically based breath test is not a estimate and you will know exactly how many calories your body expends at rest in a 24-hour period. Find out precisely how many calories you burn each day and then learn how many calories you need to maximize fat loss.

Calorie Expenditure test

A simple 10 minute test can calculate the amount of food you need to consume each day to gain or lose weight. Weight loss, or body fat loss, can be tricky. You must eat enough calories for daily activities and to keep your metabolism active while creating a deficit.

By testing your unique metabolic rate we can help you calculate your Target Caloric Zones. With these target zones, cutting calories and burning fat will finally make sense. Find out if your metabolism is fast or slow!

For further details and to schedule an appointment, click here.

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