GU Roctane Energy Drink Mix - Single Serving

Raspberry / Strawberry #1127896-RSRW-ABIW
Happy Fit Guarantee


Created for high-intensity and demanding activity, GU Roctane Energy Drink Mix packs even more electrolytes and carbohydrates than GU Hydration Drink Mix. The 250-calorie serving contains carbohydrates (maltodextrin and fructose) that use non-competing pathways to help maximize carbohydrate absorption and utilization while diminishing stomach distress. Sodium, the primary electrolyte lost in sweat, aids hydration by maintaining water balance. The amino acid taurine helps maintain heart contractility and improve cardiac output during long exercise sessions, while the amino acid beta-alanine helps promote formation of the intramuscular buffer carnosine.

ELECTROLYTES Maintain water balance and aid in optimum hydration. CARBOHYDRATES Deliver ready-to-use energy and delay bonking by sparing glycogen. AMINO ACIDS Reduce mental fatigue and decrease muscle damage. CAFFEINE Enhances performance by increasing focus and concentration and decreasing perceived effort during exercise.

Mix one packet with 21 oz. (620 ml) of water. During activity, drink 20-30 oz. per hour.

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