Your safety is very important to us. There is a great deal of consideration in deciding to cancel group runs. We will cancel runs if any of the below conditions occur or are expected to occur at the time of the group run:
Actual temperature is below 0 degrees
Real Feel (Wind Chill) Temperatures below -15°F
Dangerous path conditions (icy, snowy, etc.)
Heat/Air Quality:
Heat index falls within the Danger or Extreme Danger zone (NWS Heat Index)
AQI is AQI 151+ (Fleet Feet Blog)
Severe Weather:
Dangerous weather conditions, such as ice storms, hail, high winds, tornado watch warnings etc.
Lightning is present in the event of a thunderstorm
Please note that it is ultimately you who decides to participate in group run functions and events - be sure you feel safe and comfortable with the weather conditions before participating. We do have the right to modify or change workouts depending on the weather conditions. We will not cancel if it is simply raining or snowing – you never know what it will be like on race day!
FUN RUNS: Group workout cancellation notices will be posted on each store's individual Facebook and Instagram pages. Workout cancellations will often be a "game-time" decision or just before, so please check both leading up to the workout. You may also call the individual store.
FLEET FEET RACING TEAM & BOSTON BOUND: Training group workout cancellation notices will be posted:
- In the designated Facebook group – this is the fastest and most efficient way to get the word out initially. Facebook Groups are private – please be sure you request to join.
- Via email newsletter. These typically take 10-15 minutes to release so check the facebook group first.
*Fleet Feet Chicago reserves the right to cancel any run that is not deemed safe for participants
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