At Fleet Feet Greenville, we want to provide customers with unparalleled service and an unforgettable experience. We strive to go above and beyond when it comes to getting you into the right running, walking or fitness gear. We specialize in the FIT process by asking questions, analyzing, and finding solutions to keep you healthy and active. We utilize our 3D foot scanning technology, fit id, to help show you what we see. So stop in and chat with our awesome staff who are always ready to help!
Sheila McCullough - Owner - sheila@fleetfeetgreenville.com
Amanda Mahaffey- Store Manager - amanda@fleetfeetgreenville.com
Eddie Garcia- Assistant Manager - eddie@fleetfeetgreenville.com
Ashley Pearce - 5k Training Group Coach - ashley@fleetfeetgreenville.com
Jane Few- Apparel Buyer - jane@fleetfeetgreenville.com
Siobhan Rose-Innes- Apparel Buyer - siobhan@fleetfeetgreenville.com
Sarah Felber- Pub Run Leader
Fleet Feet Greenville Outfitters
Jane FewSiobhan Rose-InnesKim JohnsonEddie GarciaJason WeitzelKonner PalaciosJohn JohnsonAshley PearceAmanda MahaffeyDrew AlexanderHagan WilsonGrant YoungRoger BrownPeter BrownCaroline LyerlyJack HartJack MastandreaRyan DrewDavonte Jett-ReynoldsSteven SamsKaty LepperLexi ShentonPeter BrownSusie BlackMari HudsonSaxon BrownCelia MajdanAlexander FyockLexie Shenton
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