Fleet Feet Treasure Valley Owners
Both Fleet Feet Treasure Valley Locations (Fleet Feet Meridian and Fleet Feet Nampa) are owned and operated by Alex Mimlitz and Megan Lacy.
Alex and Megan are both excited to bring their enthusiasm for running to your experience in the store and in our Treasure Valley community. Alex has years of experience working at run-specialty shops. He started his journey as outfitter in high school at Fleet Feet Elmhurst. From there, Alex ran track and cross country at Belmont University while managing several Fleet Feets in Nashville, TN. Today he continues to pursue his running passion as an ultrarunner. His love for running is matched by his love for helping others succeed in the sport. In addition to coaching a number of athletes all over the USA, he coaches Megan as she trains to compete on an international level in mountain, trail and road running.
Megan's life has revolved around running since she was 8 years old, when she first discovered her love for racing (and beating) all the boys on the playground. She bought her first pair of actual running shoes at her local Fleet Feet and ran in high school and college, where she competed at both Stanford and Boise State on the track and cross country teams. Megan's journey with running has been full of ups and downs and she was contemplating leaving the sport for good when she learned about the Race to Robie Creek. Running that race helped her discover her love for running uphill and jump started her career as a professional mountain and trail runner. Megan still loves competing, but her favorite part of being part of the Treasure Valley active community now is helping to inspire others to strive for their own activity goals. Before, Fleet Feet Meridian, Megan also co-founded local startup Lumineye, which makes through-wall sensors to help first responders sense through structures during disaster response.
Alex and Megan are both race directors of Boise Front Trail Run, a local volunteer-led organization that gives the proceeds of the race back to our trail system, Ridge to Rivers and Megan is the USA Track and Field Mountain, Ultra, Trail Athlete Representative and Secretary of the National Mountain, Ultra Trail board.
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