Not sure what to do with your used shoes? Donate them to us!
Fleet Feet Tucson has several shoe donation programs that we participate in, and one of them is the MORE Foundation Group, a US non-profit corporation. MORE stands for Modular Organic Regenerative Environments. Their reforested environments have a very positive economic and climatic impact. MORE Foundation is 100% funded with recycled athletic shoes. Proceeds regenerate forests and jump start small farming co-ops in needy regions. They have a value added, multi-faceted approach to shoe recycling. Instead of 100 years decomposing in landfills, the donated shoes are sold to participating vendors in developing countries. This creates retail jobs while stimulating free enterprise. MORE provides basic supplies, tools, seeds, and agroforestry training to poor farming families and rural villages. Distribution of free tree seeds, tools, grow bags, compost, and training is their main activity.
Even if your shoes aren't able to be used for resale with the MORE Foundation Group, we also participate with other companies that grind the shoes into playground equipment. We give a significant portion of donated shoes to local charities and schools as well!
Stop by either of our two convenient Tucson locations to donate!
We also provide footwear to those in need through our Community Kicks Program. If you or someone you know is in need, please fill out our nomination form.
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